Essence of Light Energy Therapy

Denise Bunner, MA, LPC, Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner

Our Services

Why Essence of Light?

Essence of Light is the name that Denise has chosen for her approach to blending Therapy, Reiki and Eden Energy Medicine. Denise focuses on helping individuals learn to let go of old energies and habits that are affecting them adversely. Denise believes that everyone deserves to feel calmer and find a sense of inner peace and well- being. Essence of Light Energy Therapy can assist clients in releasing emotional trauma, stuck emotions and support the body with energetic tools that will help almost anyone cope with and process the ups and downs of today’s stressful living.

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Our Services

While there are many options and holistic services available such as Yoga, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Qu Gong and Meditation, we specialize in and focus on Reiki and Energy Therapy. Both Reiki and Energy Therapy have been shown to work well with and complement medical care and self-care practices.

The benefits of an Energy Medicine Treatment include:

  • Deep Relaxation
  • Feeling Clear Headed
  • Better Focus
  • Feeling Physically Stronger, Healthier, More Vibrant
  • Feeling Balanced
  • Feeling Connected

An Eden Energy Medicine includes:

  • Clearing and balancing the chakras and meridians.
  • Calming the fight-flight-fear response.
  • Strengthening your biofield – Allowing good energies to enter your biofield when needed and releasing stagnant energies as needed.
  • Bringing the Five Elements into sync with each other.
  • Strengthening your dominant element to connect harmoniously with the world.


An in-office energy session will include:

  • In office sessions involve hands on work.
  • You are fully clothed during an Energy Session.
  • I use muscle testing to allow your body to show me where I can find imbalance.
  • Muscle testing involves the use of light touch on an arm or leg, asking you the client to resist, and muscle reacting the energy to the touch.
  • Using my intuitive senses and the experience I have gained through 3 years of training with the Eden Method program, “I follow the Energy.”
  • The Eden Method teaches gentle hands-on techniques to help balance the energies that are out of balance.
  • The entire treatment is relaxing and comfortable.
  • You will leave the session feeling relaxed, restored, and able to focus better.


    An online energy session will include:

    • My on-line sessions are interactive and educational.
    • I do not provide on-line healing. However, I teach you how to muscle test, find the area of your body that may be out of balance, and show you acupressure points to hold to bring your body into balance.
    • Breathing techniques are also used during on-line sessions to help oxygenate the tissue and restore vitality.


    Why does my energy need to be balanced in order for me to feel better?

    Your body’s energies flow, spin, spiral, stream, weave, and crisscross in unique patterns that support life. Toxins, stress, constrictions in the body, and negative thinking can all interfere with the flow of energy. Energy Therapy can restore, the full, free, and dynamic flow of energy, bringing your body’s energies back into harmony and balance.

    How often would I need to attend Energy Therapy?

    That is up to the client. Energy Therapy typically works right away, and the effect might last a day, a week, or a lifetime. Some people choose to attend weekly because they have found a sense of well-being that they have really needed. Some people come in once a month for that same reason. The practitioner will talk about and demonstrate several techniques that the client can do at home to help manage their energies and more effectively deal with stress.

    Listed below is an overview of some of the issues that Reiki and Energy Therapy can help address:

    • Anxiety/Panic
    • Fear/Overwhelm
    • Grief/Sadness
    • Anger/Rage
    • Irritability/Frustration
    • Emotional Shock
    • Nervousness
    • Depression
    • Trauma
    • Low motivation/Fatigue
    • Digestion and elimination issues
    • Insomnia/Sleep issues
    • Mood Swings
    • Hormonal Problems
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    We heal not when we are fighting ourselves, but when we choose to listen and respond to our own body’s subtle messages and energies. At Essence of Light Energy Therapy, our goal is to help you feel lighter, healthier and calmer by releasing blocked energies and restoring balance in the body and mind.